


Fix: Auth0 'Invalid response code from the auth0-sandbox' Error happend.

When I created OpenID Connect client on Auth0, I faced to the error below: Invalid response code from the auth0-sandbox The error's message is ambiguous. The error's cause is 'Fetch User Profile Script''s syntax error. So you review 'Fetch…

Fix: Auth0 'profie is not defined' error happend

When I created OpenID Connect client on Auth0, I faced to the error below: { "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "profie is not defined" } But I realize solution about it. This error's cause is 'default Fetch User Profile Scri…


URLがhttp://example.jp/#key=valueだったとして、#以降のkey=valueを JavaScript で取得するのは以下のようにします。簡単ですね。 window.location.hash.substr(1); また、上記サンプルのようなkeyに対するvalueを取得したい場合は以下のようにします。 co…